Maintain Alkalinity Increaser


Eliminates “pH bounce,” which is an assortment of pH fluctuations caused by disproportionate quantities of any added chemicals, especially low alkalinity levels. Raises the total alkalinity. Tests the total alkalinity of the water and keeps it within the proper range of 80-120 ppm. Helps prevent equipment and spa surface corrosion and damage.

Available Size: 5 lbs.

Maintain Calcium Hardness Increaser


Water needs calcium hardness. If your levels are too low, a small addition of Calcium Hardness Increaser brings the levels up safely while not clouding the water. When levels are ideal, you will prolong the life of your pool or spa.

  • Prevents water from becoming corrosive and damaging your pool’s plumbing and heater
  • Helps maintain calcium hardness levels between 150-300 ppm
  • Stops staining and etching of pool surfaces caused by low hardness levels

poolife Stain Stop


Poolife Stain Stop provides protection against scale, stains and rust caused by minerals in the water such as iron, copper, nickel, manganese, silicon and zinc. Effective at controlling stains after the use of poolife Stain Lift.

Useful Tips

  • For best results, add the required amount of poolife Stain Stop when you start to fill the pool unless the surface is black plaster, then add it after the pool is full.
  • Compatible with chlorine, bromine, salt water, ozone and minerals.

Available Size: 32 oz

AquaChek Blue Biguanide 3-in-1 Test Strips


AquaChek’s Biguanide Blue 3-in-1 is ideal for customers who use biguanide as a sanitizer in their pool or spa. Compatible with a range of Baquacil products.

AquaChek’s Biguanide test strips allow pool and spa owners to test their biguanide-based sanitation systems for total alkalinity, total pH, and also total biguanide levels of their pool or spa simply by inserting the test strip into the water for around 30 seconds, giving you accurate results that give a clear picture of the health of your pool or spa. It is recommended that you test your pool a minimum of once per week.