Maintain Conditioner Stabilizer


Stabilizer uses Cyanuric Acid (CYA) which acts as sunscreen for your pool. When chlorine is exposed to sunlight, it dissipates. Stabilizer helps to slow that process and allows the chlorine’s life to be extended. Stabilizer only needs to be used with non-stabilized chlorine tablets, such as NST (Non-Stabilized Chlorine).

Maintain Liquid Pool Shock


Supreme Spa & Pool 12.5% Liquid Shock is a powerful pool shock designed to boost chlorine levels, kill and prevent bacteria for a clear, healthy pool.

Available Size: 1 gallon

Maintain Calcium Hardness Increaser


Water needs calcium hardness. If your levels are too low, a small addition of Calcium Hardness Increaser brings the levels up safely while not clouding the water. When levels are ideal, you will prolong the life of your pool or spa.

  • Prevents water from becoming corrosive and damaging your pool’s plumbing and heater
  • Helps maintain calcium hardness levels between 150-300 ppm
  • Stops staining and etching of pool surfaces caused by low hardness levels