Sirona Calcium Booster


Sirona Spa Care Calcium Booster is a safe and efficient spa balancer that will effectively raise the level of calcium in spa water. This liquid balancer will gradually increase water hardness, and also help prevent the corrosion of equipment, and foaming. Sirona Calcium Booster is compatible with all sanitizers including bromine, chlorine, salt water, ozone, minerals and biguanide.

Sirona Defend


Sirona Spa Care Defend liquid formula is a unique blend of organic polymers that are designed to aid in the removal and prevention of stains and scale that form in spas and hot tubs. This stain and scale remover is compatible with all sanitizers including bromine, chlorine, ozone, minerals and biguanide.

Sirona Chlorine Granular


The Sirona Spa Care Chlorinating Granules is an efficient chlorine sanitizer that will rid the water of unpleasant odors, contaminants and algae. This sanitizer will not leave behind any residues and will completely dissolve rapidly in the spa. Use this chlorine granular to help maintain a safe level of 2 to 3 ppm of available chlorine in residential spas.

Pristine Clear


Pristine Clear, clears cloudy water in pools and spas by bringing suspended particles together, enabling  them to be better removed by your filtration system.

50-Square Feet Replacement Filter with By-Pass Valve


Waterway 500-5010 50 Sq. Ft. Top Load 1.5″ Cartridge Filter with Bypass Valve.


  • A metal header design allows for the higher working pressures required by ASME.
  • This tubing is over 50% thicker in wall thickness than standard tubing.
  • The Unitherm Governor automatically regulates the water flow to help keep the water temperature in the heat exchanger above 105 Degrees F.