poolife Instant Clear Cleaning Granules Stabilized Chlorinator


Instant Clear is an effective multi-purpose sanitizer and shock that protects against chlorine loss, optimizing pool usage and swimmer comfort with no sediment. This product is convenient and easy to use to control the growth of algae, kill bacteria and destroy organic materials. When using poolife® Instant Clear® Cleaning Granules Stabilized Chlorinator, shock treat at least once a week using poolife® TurboShock® shock treatment or poolife® Rapid Shock® shock treatment. Add 3-5 ounces of this product per 10,000 gallons of pool water every other day or as often as needed to maintain 1-4 ppm free available chlorine. Use poolife® 6-Way test Strips to test the chlorine and pH levels at least twice a week.

For best results balance your water throughout the pool season. Adjust your pH to 7.2-7.6. To open your pool and every 7 days to prevent pool problems you may shock treat the pool by adding 12-24 ounces of this product per 10,000 gallons of water, by broadcasting into the pool, to provide 5-10 ppm available chlorine. Do not reenter pool until the free available chlorine is 1-4 ppm.

poolife MPT Extra 3″ Chlorinating Tablets


These unique MPT Extra 3″ chlorinating tablets were developed using all-in-one technology to sanitize, prevent algae, control staining and scaling and clarify and soften pool water. These proprietary tablets are sun protected for extended chlorine life and can be used in floaters, feeders or skimmers.

Useful Tips

  • When using MPT Extra 3″ chlorinating tablets, shock treat at least once a week with poolife TurboShock shock treatment.
  • Prevent green, black and yellow algae with poolife Defend+ algaecide added weekly.
  • Use your poolife 6-Way Test Strips to test the chlorine and pH levels at least twice a week.