Maintain pH Decreaser


Maintain pH Decreaser lowers the pH level in your swimming pool. High pH can cause scaling, cloudy water, eye and skin irritation and discomfort. pH levels should be maintained in the range of 7.2-7.6 ppm.

Available Size: 7 lbs.

Maintain Super Pool Water Clarifier


Our Super Concentrated Swimming Pool Clarifier is an extra-strength pool water clarifier that clears extremely cloudy pool water caused by poor filtration, dust, pollen, dead algae or chemical residue. Our pool water clarifier is designed to coagulate and floc suspended solids from swimming pool water. The solids will be filtered out of the pool.

Compatible with all pool chemicals systems such as Baquacil, Salt, Chlorine and Pristine Blue chemical systems.

Maintain Algae Control 10


Maintain Algae Control 10 prevents most common algae growth and aids in maintaining pool water clarity. This product is formulated to work in either chlorine or bromine treated pools and is ideal for algae prevention in above ground pools

Initial Dose: Add 1 gallon of this product to 50,000 gallons of pool water.

Maintenance Dose: Add 1 quart of this product to 50,000 gallons of pool water.

Initial dose is used when filling pool at the beginning of the swimming season. If your pool has visible algae growth treat with initial dose. Vacuum pool after 24 hours to remove algae debris. If visible algae is still present or re-appears, repeat this treatment procedure as necessary. When pool is free of visible algae, use the recommended maintenance dose.

Available Size: 32 oz.

Maintain Alkalinity Increaser


Eliminates “pH bounce,” which is an assortment of pH fluctuations caused by disproportionate quantities of any added chemicals, especially low alkalinity levels. Raises the total alkalinity. Tests the total alkalinity of the water and keeps it within the proper range of 80-120 ppm. Helps prevent equipment and spa surface corrosion and damage.

Available Size: 5 lbs.